Wednesday, July 11, 2012

after the miller, but before the mother: always love, a sometime rhyme

after the miller, but before the mother: always love, a sometime rhyme

by eem

new? no, nothing’s new, nothing under the all
seeing sky, eye, why then, why do you cry?
for what was never but- was once- and is- in you in my
mind a real thing, real, spinning wheels, whimsy, wings with which to… fall

oh, my heart again, the nothing ness residing within each
cell, the dna a lock of hair, locket locked in deathless
sighs and pretense I feel nothing, yet flying west
toward you, my sun, one star, one sky, father, child, I reach

out my arms in imperfect rhyme, rhythm less jazz, a hymn to him
to eye to her you are we are falsely killing this time! ‘tis true
joy! of all! clichés of! non sense no music all meter here’s the cue
for my voice to come in, missed it again. this loving, dreamy sim-

plicity, growth of seeds to trees becomes our family, strangers joined by stars
as descends so far in supple earth where we, sometime lovers,
are born again seedlings, sister and brother, under land’s deep covers
explode again in an instant of glory, longing for you in me, our life denies all wars

(are you wondering? silly. you know then it is you!)

these are not poems for us to figure out why we love
these are equations to remind us that we do.

THE USUAL (An abstract sound meets iambic pentameter work)

  The Usual The stink. The plink and clink, so rinky-dink, Our winkless cries went down the kitch’n sink. Oh, strum und drang. D’you k...