
Showing posts from 2011

I am not even the wind lingers in the air here...

The Love Song of E. Elizabeth Prufrock

A Sonnet A Day Keeps The Hoardes Away

I, Forgiver

how to be magic

Gemstones falling from my mouth

Notes Upon Searching for a CarWash on a Friday Morning

My Heart Opens When I Hear Your Voice

somehow when i kiss you

Obsessive Compulsive Homeless Folks, Tapestries

You Sing, Too


After Tree of Life

Walking Henry in the Afternoon

Codependent No more

The Passionate Ones

what a love

Strange Dreams of violins in the sea, and the waves and the hordes and the survival of joy:

Married to the world.....

To sleep, perchance to dream....

On Love, and LIVING while you're alive....

» No one is going to play Elizabeth Taylor, but Elizabeth Taylor herself.

by way of the phoenix

Magicians Do Not Exist and Comedy is No Laughing Matter