Recently.... possibly always.....
Let's face it. I'm doing a one woman show here in Los Angeles that I will tour around the country and for which I am writing a companion book about this-
this thing that has made a huge impact on my life....¬e_id=10150464534310122#!/notes/erin-elizabeth-muir/thirty-day-challenge-day-17/10150464534310122
What has truly made the hugest impact on my life?
For what have I traveled the mountains and skies and seas, in search of, in escape of, in ignorance of, in hopes of? Running away from, forgetting that our globe, at this time, is, well, a globe, so I just come back to the beginning time and time again?
And in what have I finally begun discovering my own secret true self?
But I grow old.... I grow old....
You see, I am beginning to see so much deeper (than all roses, yes, and than my own ideas, and than my own experiences that drop me even deeper through the tectonic shifting of human magnetic reverberation expanding heart energy throughout each others' worlds and the intracellular response and the outer waves of recognition of something so much more than all that I just implied suggested incepted in a run on poetic sentence that to some makes no sense but to Joyce and the crow and the seed are obvious no words words....)
We have just gotten it wrong for so long
but not because the opposite of what we
(me) (I) (you?)
have been doing is right.
But because we have been using the mask to indicate the emotion instead of
more powerful than
that to take us
and not in a way like what we mean in the 20th century addicted way
but by way of the phoenix.
You see, I can only speak in poetry and images to tell you all what I want to say!
Confounding, this language,
exciting, this puzzle.
My teacher Candace says that the greatest love stories, the true true true truest love stories, in THIS world, THIS world NOW, almost never happen because the stakes are too high.
I see that. I see where I have blown things with my own stakes.
But I forgive myself, because, you see, I'm still standing, and I am still here, Erin with her heart, with her love, with her offerings.
And, well, the funny parts are all in my show, and a soon to come accompanying book. And this 30 day challenge is not for me to reveal your own love story, or mine, or where it has been amazing and worked, and where it has not.... I have no wisdom to offer other than my own experiences and observations. But I have my own revelation...... that....
....the idea of "THE ONE"
is so much more different than what we thought it would be.....
And for me, it is not about this idea of THE ONE. It is the act of loving in and of itself that is the gift. And true love applies to everybody, it does, it does.
I offer you a few suggestions......
And an invitation to your own heart.
And a love deeper than your ideas of romance.
And a life greater than you ever dreamed possible.
And I wish you much, much more than luck.
I wish you Life.
I love you.
THE USUAL (An abstract sound meets iambic pentameter work)
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