Saturday, December 17, 2022

Quatrains: December 17th, 2022: Wake Up!

Quatrains: December 17th, 2022: Wake Up!

In the ancient and eternal city

Missing the signs of God’s pure face.

Seeking religion in selfish self pity,

In shopping for leather, trying on lace.

Looking for meaning in Babylon,

In clouds, in darkening sky and rain,

Not children nor carols, nor trumpeter swans.

But in youth and wealth. In fame. In vain.

Where is love? How would do we know?

What’s the point of how we live?

We know this world is fleeting, though,

Every day emptied with less to give.

No! You’ve lost your mind in your revels, or

An abominable lack of imagination and love.

Wake up, O blessed traveller.

You’re asleep again, wake up. Wake up…

THE USUAL (An abstract sound meets iambic pentameter work)

  The Usual The stink. The plink and clink, so rinky-dink, Our winkless cries went down the kitch’n sink. Oh, strum und drang. D’you k...